Is this the most power efficient washing machine in the world?
Consumer electronics manufacturer Haier has introduced three new models of top-loading washing machines in Japan as a part of their ‘Aqua’ line-up which are being touted as the most eco-friendly and energy efficient in the world. Out of the three, the model named ‘AQW-V700C’ has the most energy efficient credentials. The fully automatic washing machine…
Bauknecht makes washing machines prettier than most appliances
We’ve seen efforts put into highlighting the good looks of various appliances, including refrigerators, television sets, home theatres and even grills. But for the first time do we see a washing machine, so swanky, you’d like to have it in your living room. Named Bauknecht takes a rounder shape that we’re assuming to be the…
A levitating Orbit washing machine concept for year 2050
Year 2050 is 28 years from now but we already have products being made for 2050, Orbit washing machine is one amid the few. The concept washing machine by designer Elie Ahovi has a spherical drum in the center, which using liquid nitrogen cooled superconducting electromagnets levitate the drum in the center of the machine…
Upcoming Samsung washing machines will link to smart phones
Samsung’s upcoming Bubbleshot washing machine which are to be released in the coming months will be equipped with Smart-Care functionality which links the appliance to a smartphone. The user has to download the Smart-Care application on a smartphone / device and the user can check the status of the washing machine and even trouble shoot…
Now a washing machine for dogs
I suppose if you have a ‘Hotel for Dogs’, you can’t be faltering with appearances. Our Japanese friends have now introduced a washing machine for your pets, installed at a pet supermarket called Joyful Honda in Tokyo. Now before you hit panic button, this little smart machine can wash and blow dry your pets for…
Soccer, washing clothes, same thing!
We are still fresh from surprise after reading about the energy saving soccer ball last week. However, it gets a bit bigger than that when it comes to real application. How about making the ball large enough to accommodate some clothes, and later cleans them as kids get to the game they loved most. The…
A washing machine that uses plastic instead of water
Xeros is busy working on an entirely new breed of washing machines that will be using only a cup of water per load and relying on nylon beads to trap dirt and stains for hundreds of washes. The UK based Xeros has been testing the machine for the past 3 years now. The machined is…
Dog-o-Matic is an automated washing machine for dogs
This is one invention everyone would have thought of while giving their dogs a bath, but definitely no one would have thought it would be for real. Mr. Jarry has made this into a realistic idea and charges $47 for a dog to get him or her automatically washed. He is apparently having a huge…
LG Trom Bruno the giant of washing machines
LG is all set to take on wealthy Koreans with the Trom Bruno which would be the largest washer and dryer to hit Korea. It has a mammoth 15kg capacity and dozen of wash modes to take of everything from your Nike tee to the Hermes scarf while effectively removing pollen, animal hair and other…
Fisher & Paykel’s Intuitive Eco Washing Machine
Sting recently got slammed for flying alone in a private jet, belonging to the green brigade it was quite a shameful act from his side. Maybe he can atone for his sins if he gets one of these eco-friendly washing machines; looking at his impeccably clean clothes, I’m sure he does his laundry himself! Fisher…