Tag: Weapons

  • Pentagon looking up Pokémon-like seizure gun weapons

    Pentagon looking up Pokémon-like seizure gun weapons

    This could be a remarkable development for those who share great interest in weapon technology. But to geeks like us who’ve grown in the shadow of enriching Japanese animation series it’s pure thrill. The Pentagon is investigating non-lethal weapons and among them is one that is synonymous to the seizure gun from the famous Pokémon…

  • The Navy is developing laser cannons

    War ships in future could very well lay the gunpowder to rest for good. If you’ve been dreaming of Star Wars type of ways to mass destruction or the like, here’s news that’s bound to have you leap from your seats and go join the Navy! As per the Office of Naval Research, the Navy…

  • The best video game weapon ever

    Back in 2003, Planet Moon Studios released a third person shooter ‘Armed and Dangerous’ for the Xbox and PS2. Though the game was unimpressive one of the weapons used in the game is really cool and undoubtedly is the best video game weapon ever, it even puts the cerebral bore from Turok to shame. What…

  • Aussies develop robots on Segways for firing practice

    The armed forces are more into the future than we thought. Well, if that doesn’t sound convincing enough then how about the presence of Segways moving around the streets, disguised as normal people. This was done by Australian based company, Marathon Robotics. They can act as dummy hostages or civilians, thus helping armed forces practice…

  • Acoustic Cannon wards off pirates

    Acoustic Cannon wards off pirates

    What can beat the idea of using an acoustic cannon, used to thwart away pirates who were attempting to vandalize a ship in Somali waters. The crew of the ship managed to use their heads to bring together a fantastic contraption that caught the bullet-ready pirates by surprise. The cannon is also known as a…

  • Anti-terror guns to stop the threat from boats

    Anti-terror guns to stop the threat from boats

    A team of Home Office scientists and industry experts are developing a device that aims to achieve what some consider to be the near impossible. Stopping a speed boat that could be loaded with explosives from reaching its target but without the use of lethal weapons or force. The device which is known as the…

  • Massive Ordnance Penetrator will be the largest non-nuclear bomb, ever

    Massive Ordnance Penetrator will be the largest non-nuclear bomb, ever

    The Pentagon has devised a powerful bomb that can give most of the creeps hiding in bunkers some real jitters. It’s called the Massive Ordinance Penetrator and is capable of plunging into even the most powerful bunkers with no mercy. The 30,000 pound bomb will be 20 feet long and can cause destruction in bunkers…

  • Navy wants laser weapons to ward off small boats

    Navy wants laser weapons to ward off small boats

    The US navy wants to test a high-powered laser against the threat of small boats or even jet skies that will be carrying RPG holding riders. The 98-million contract was taken away by Northrop Grumman for the Maritime Laser Demonstration in early July. Now they are on the mode of installing a prototype of the…

  • The AA-12 is the worlds most effective combat shotgun

    Pulling in the best features that a combat shotgun of today can gather, the AA-12 makes a grand entry into the world of ammunition. It can fire five 12-gauge shells per second! This will surely send a smile across the faces of those sadistic maniacs who have in mind a certain someone who they would…

  • XM25 eliminates enemies behind walls and in bunkers

    XM25 eliminates enemies behind walls and in bunkers

    At present soldiers on the field, face innumerable obstacles in using lethal weapons to take out enemy targets behind walls. The Army has been trying for years to come up with a weapon for engaging targets behind barriers without resorting to mortars, rockets, or grenades — all of which risk greater collateral damage. The years…