Texas welcomes home the world’s biggest television screen, the 2,852-inch TV Big Hoss
While the rest of the world is desperately trying to turn a shade greener, Texas thinks otherwise. Instead, this American state has decided to kick off its shoes, lay back and enjoy the sheer awesomeness of the world’s largest television screen that it now plays home to. Called the “Big Hoss” TV, this piece of…
New Zealand shows off world’s largest pop-up book in true Hobbit spirit
New Zealand is the location of choice for many producers who want to portray a land back in time, untouched by the scum of civilization. So it goes without saying that Peter Jackson would not have to think twice before finalizing locations for the shoot of the Hobbit Trilogies. The all new ‘The Hobbit: The…
The World’s largest Disney retail store to be open in Shanghai, China in 2015
Disney is a household name and has been for quite a few decades now. Their theme and amusement parks the world over attract millions of fans and fun lovers from around the world and now they’ve just commissioned the largest ever Disney store in China. “We are enormously proud to be building Disney’s largest store…
LG 55″ OLED HDTV to debut at CES 2012
Just a couple of days ago we told you that the OLEDs are going to be one of the most-awaited tech products at CES 2012. LG has already announced that it has successfully developed the world’s first 55″ OLED panel for HD televisions. The world will be able to catch its first glimpse at the…
China overtakes United States as world’s largest market for smartphones
And as the world of technology slowly spreads its wings right around China, the nation has finally stepped right over the United States to now have the world’s largest smartphone market. During the third quarter of 2011, as per Strategy Analytics, China shipped 23.9 million smartphones, leaving the United States behind with 23.3 million shipments.…
World’s largest Apple store at Grand Central Terminal delays opening to 9th of December
Apple is all set to pull the black veil off its new store in the heart of the Grand Central Terminal in New York City. The largest store by Apple till date, this one takes up an entire mezzanine level and is draped in black currently with the ongoing construction work inside. The store currently…
Thousand of LED bulbs light up the worlds largest roof of the Busan Cinema Center designed by Coop Himmelblau
The Busan Cinema Center, which features a huge roof shaped in a wavelike pattern, opened Thursday in Busan, South Korea. It is propped up by a single pillar built to resemble a pair of ice-cream cones. Built on a 30,217-sq.m plot of land, the Busan Cinema Center houses three main buildings and an outdoor plaza…
London will house the world’s largest light saber
Fox Home Entertainment is prepping up for the launch of Blu-ray versions of Star Wars: The Complete Saga and as a part of the big launch, several events have been hosted throughout the week. Today at London, the star-studded party will be hosted on the top of the BT tower and its highlight would be…
World’s largest telescope stretches a mile below Antarctica
The larger the tool, the larger is the catch. Such is the motto behind the development of the world’s largest telescope. The astronomers who’re behind the making of this one are taking their trade to the next level by building it under the Antarctic ice. It’s called IceCube and will be created using thousands of…
The world’s largest curved plasma screen at Japanese airport
Plasma screens, when viewed in a large size are totally adorable. But when you look at a plasma screen that curved, and measures 4 meters (height) x 3 meters (height) then there’s bound to be problems. Japan has seen something of this sort and oh boy, am I contemplating a trip down to Kansai Airport…