Till now Robots in Japan have replaced in humans in some tasks. Some of them have been even replaced human salespersons in stores. But the Beam store has one of its kind robot. In the Beam store in Palo Alto California, telepresence robots are selling themselves. So weird, isn’t it? But it is true. There’s no human in the store. Don’t fret, when you walk into the store, you will not be interacting with computerized voices. If you have any questions, they will be answered by the beam employees based anywhere from Honolulu to Los Angeles who will appear on the screen. Good for the employees as they can work from the comfort of their home. The robots made by Suitable Technologies are 1.5 meters tall, and weigh 92 pounds are tracked by GPS which decreases their susceptibility to any theft. The screen where the salespeople appear in 17 inches, the BeamPro robot can be controlled by a mouse, keyboard or an Xbox controller.
Beam robots are especially made for people working in corporates who are travelling most of the time. Beam can be used by these set of people to attend an event or a meeting virtually, if they can’t physically. One Beam robot will cost you $20,000 and they will be available for purchase sometime next year. Similar telepresence Robot by Cisco is also available in the market for $4,000 to $6,000, but the features are not half as good as Beam’s robots.
Telepresence Beam Robots sell themselves in California