The iReliquary 1.0, an iPhone dock that defies description but is far from modest

I get it, people love their iPhones. They do crazy things like spend insane amounts of money on accessories, docks and what-nots. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of the device myself and all in all it’s a classy piece of hardware and even some of the peripherals, especially docks always get my attention. But this next one, well firstly you have to see it to believe it so check out the image below –

Designed and created by one Georg Dinkel, this ‘masterpiece’ took 6 months to build and is called the iReliquary 1.0. It features all kinds of precious stones and metals including rhinestones, gold and silver powder all molded together on a polymer clay base structure. It’s equipped with Bluetooth, a lightning connector and houses a 2.1 channel audio system. All of this to adorn his iPhone that perches atop its shimmering tower of power. One tends to loose the capacity to describe a device of this magnitude so I don’t believe I’ll try. But as iPhone docks go, this is one of a few outrageously designed docks developed for Apple’s list of devices that all bear a somewhat ‘Cathedral’-esque form. Take a look at the video below for a better view of the dock.

[Via – Ohgizmo]