The Walkstation – Stop being a desk chair potato

Regular exercise is essential to preventing heart attacks, strokes and countless other ailments, but a new invention helps multi-tasking office workers get exercise as they work. The Walkstation co developed by Dr. Levine is turning into somewhat of a rage. For some of us it may seem impossible to concentrate while we walk, but advocates say that most people can concentrate as well — if not better — while walking 1 to 2 MPH than they can while sitting. Factor in the benefits of walking as much as 16 miles in an eight-hour day (or 4,000 miles in a working year) and you have a product that may boost productivity and slash health care costs. Some offices have set up communal treadmill desks, where workers can walk awhile and then return to their normal desks. Other places set up individual treadmill desks where employees walk all day. Others put the treadmill desks in meeting rooms. Some office workers like to do it and say that it helps them concentrate. However, others have said that they feel unbalanced when using the slow-speed treadmill while they work. Another important factor in keeping yourself healthy is keeping meal portions down and spreading them out throughout the day.

The Walkstation costs about $4,000 and comes in 36 laminate finishes with an ergonomically curved desktop. Here’s hoping this concept catches on in your company too.