The rumor mills are sort of going frenzy with news that unlocked iPhone 4 will now be available for US customers in Apple stores on Wednesday. The tech ninja here is a twitter user by the name Chronicwire who has been tweeting about all kinds of iPhone leaks and rumors from the past one week. the latest dope tells us that there are four specific models which have landed unlocked and are retail-ready for the American markets- -the MC603 (16GB, black) MC604 (16GB, white) MC605 (32GB, black) and MC606 (32GB, white). Sources suggest that this particular rumor is pretty much certain. Chronic has later added that Apple will also unleash its annual Back To School promo alongside the new MacBook Airs. Though the new specs are yet to be confirmed, it is expected to have Intel’s 32-nanometer Sandy Bridge architecture via Core i5 and i7 processor chips.
Unlocked iPhones have already touched the Canadian shores before with a few countries in Europe. Its given that these would only favor GSM carriers. This definitely translates into good news for international travellers who could simply swap out their SIM and use their unlocked iPhone with local carriers.