Want a pizza? Print it with Natural Machines Foodini 3D printer

natural-machines-foodiniWhen it comes to food, we love being pampered. Alas, the world does not revolve around our minor whims and fancies. Just why something like the Natural Machines Foodini printer makes perfect sense. Though it isn’t a wishing well for food, you can surely have a major portion of your cooking duties taken care of, while later on add a touch of customization to whatever you prepare, albeit grudgingly. So, if you have pizza on mind, Foodini could well form a round one for you and help you with some base sauces, however, you will have to handle the toppings and baking later. Come to think of it, I’d rather pick the phone and dial a lunch.

“Foodini helps create savory or sweet cuisine. The food is real food, made from fresh ingredients prepared before printing,” says the Foodini website. “Promoting cooking with fresh ingredients, Foodini manages the difficult and time-consuming parts of food preparation that often discourage people from creating homemade food.” Okay, well, I don’t see how because when we say zero effort, we mean it. The machine is all set you set you back by $1,300 when it launches in the middle of this year.