WD’s My Passport AV Portable Drives now for TV

If you’re planning to burn all of those movies from your hard drive to DVDs or Blu-ray disks then hold on. Here’s something that’s all out to give you the best possible solution for your problem. Wester Digital’s much acclaimed My Passport AV drives are specially made to connect directly to your TV (via USB) or to your Blu-ray player. This means that you can enjoy all your movies (which reside on your hard drive) directly on television. The 320 GB drives are all set to make it easier for you to store and view your videos. These come with additional support for Sony’s Direct Copy feature that can grab HD video from handycams without the need of a computer.

The all new 320 GB WD’s My Passport AV Portable Drives are available for $110. For a change, the TV gets something that doesn’t need a computer. It was mostly the other way round.