Weird Bitsosan Ke toys from TOMY get annoyed when you play with their nose hair

Ever hear of a character called ‘Bitosan Ke’? (at least that’s what the translation comes out like). If you haven’t I’m sure you’re in a vast majority of humans who haven’t. He’s apparently a really little guy that has no more than couple of strands of hair on his head and a few rather unruly strands sticking out from his nose as well. The hairs are made of static carbon fiber and if touched, provoke the little guy to speak. Now the translations are a bit vague as to what he actually says but it can’t be anything other than – Leave those hairs alone! Bitsoan Ke and his five buddies (yup there are six of these guys which include two talking dogs as well) will say different things at different times. I guess it depends on how you manhandle their hair. They’re powered by a LR-44 button cell and another than the slightly gross hair sticking out of their nose and head they’re pretty darn cute. They’re made be renowned toymaker TOMY and are priced at 892 Yen which is about $10 (USD).