What Is a Cdn Example?

To better understand what we are going to talk about, it is necessary to understand the abbreviation. CDN is a content delivery network. In simple terms, a CDN is a group of interconnected servers located at various points of the world. Why Should You Use a CDN?

The main problem that cdn global is struggling with is low performance and delays when transmitting large amounts of information over different distances. The solution to this problem is to reduce the time it takes to send content to the recipient. Such systems have become very popular because most dynamic content, videos, and GIFs are sent to mobile devices, which are not designed for such loads.

How Does CDN Work?
The whole secret lies in the servers where all the information is uploaded. The data is cached on these servers and does not take up the main traffic. When a user requests cached content, the system sends a request to the CDN servers and the nearest server in the group sends the necessary data to the recipient. Due to the increasing number of content being forwarded, there are now many companies, like G-Core Labs, that provide services for using such servers.

Via Unsplash / @kirill2020

Where Can CDNs Be Used?
The main purpose of CDNs is to deliver content quickly through servers. They can be used to reduce the traffic load by forwarding the data to a CDN server and still have access to that data open. Most often such systems are used to optimize websites that include a lot of video content, e-commerce, and cloud applications. Such volumes of data invariably load traffic, which is what CDNs help fix.

Many Useful Services From One Provider
In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, CDN also opens up other valuable features to the user. These include security services, improved performance, and acceleration of applications, as well as digital rights management for video. Some providers also optimize the interface of additional programs.