At present soldiers on the field, face innumerable obstacles in using lethal weapons to take out enemy targets behind walls. The Army has been trying for years to come up with a weapon for engaging targets behind barriers without resorting to mortars, rockets, or grenades — all of which risk greater collateral damage. The years of research has resulted into the XM25 Individual Air Burst Weapon. The XM25 will be able to fire an air-bursting round at a target from 16 meters away out to 600 meters with a highly accurate, 360-degree explosive radius. The XM25 is about as long as a collapsed M4 weighs about as much as an M16 with an M203 grenade launcher attached and has about as much kick as a 12-gauge shotgun.
The XM25 costs about $25,000 each, but experts were quick to point out that a fully loaded M4 for optics and pointers costs pretty close to $30,000. Each ATK-made 25mm-round costs about $25. Three prototypes will enter the final testing phase on the field next month, but expect an XM25s in a soldiers hand by 2014.